Assessment forms

It is a unified smart form for patient assessment that was built by physiotherapists for physiotherapists. Intuitive elements (checkboxes, multiple-choice, text fields and body charts) let you optimize your time during the consultation, and question tips help you do not forget to take important notes.

Let's get deeper

Everything that you need during assessment in one form

Form consists of 4 tabs:


  • General patient details tab that is fully synchronized with the patient record
  • Physical examination section includes all details of symptoms and pain sources
  • Objective assessment tab contains the most important tests that were automatically defined based on data from the previous step
  • Examination report helps you summarize assessment results and suggest a treatment plan
assessment form
Radiating pain

Define, track and reach treatment goals

Set long term and short term treatment goals during consultation directly in the assessment form. Track goals reach, level of pain or other symptoms during the treatment process.

Use key metrics to analyze your rehabilitation program and demonstrate to your patient treatment results.

short term goals

Share assessment results with patients and practitioners

All assessment results automatically will be available in the patient mobile app. It helps patients to follow treatment progress in detail.

By the way, you can export the assessment form to PDF and print or share it with the patient, practitioners or doctors to discuss the treatment process.

pdf assessment form

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